Restorative Justice

Overview of Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice is an alternative discipline system focused on fixing the harms inflicted on the community. It helps reduce suspensions and detentions and helps students learn to take responsibility for their actions instead of simply being punished for their offenses. When someone understands how their behavior has affected others, they are less likely to repeat that action.

Restorative Justice is different from traditional discipline systems in many ways:

Traditional Practices

  • result in punishment
  • disengage students
  • create guilt
  • focus on what responsible parties deserve

Restorative Justice

  • fixes the inflicted harms
  • promotes participation
  • creates obligations
  • focuses on what affected parties need to resolve the issue

(adpated from Howard Zehr’s book, The Little Book of Restorative Justice, 2002)


The Justice Committee

The Justice Committee at PMHS is made up of students, faculty advisors, the Dean of Operations, and the Student Support Specialist. The JC is offered as an alternative way for students to resolve low-level incidents that occur within the school community. When an incident occurs, the Student Support Specialist may suggest the JC as a place to go for resolution of the situation. Both the affected and responsible parties need to agree to go to the JC for mediation. When a mediation occurs, students and a JC advisor use a mediation script to help students work through the issue and come to an agreed upon restorative practice. A follow up meeting is scheduled at this time to check that the restorative practice has been completed.



Any student, grades 7-12, is welcome to apply to join the Justice Committee providing they complete the JC Application. Applications are reviewed by JC members and advisors.

Students can email the application or print it out and deliver it to any JC advisor.

Applications require the following:

  • Completed application, including a short response question
  • Adult Recommendation
  • Signed Parent/Guardian consent form


Meeting Schedule

The Justice Committee meets on blue weeks (generally every other Wednesday) in Ms. Hillsgrove’s Room.



This Justice Committee Video was created by the PMHS IMPACT team to illustrate the Justice Committee’s process.


PMHS Behavior Management System Process Maps

The following maps outline the process for each component of our discipline system.

Step 1: Community Concern Form is filed

Step 2: Student Support Specialist Process

Step 3: Justice Committee Process


Additional Resources on Restorative Justice

Coming soon!