What is the online learning program at Pittsfield Middle High School?
Pittsfield Middle High School’s Online Learning Program enhances student education by providing them with the opportunity to enroll in online courses scheduled during the normal school day. Recognizing the educational importance of the valuable skills learned through online course experiences, Pittsfield Middle High School affords students the option to enroll in an online course and is equipped with the technology to support online learning.
Pittsfield Middle High School students can enroll in the following online schools and programs:
Dual Enrollment -EStart (Community College System of NH)
For more information regarding the online learning programs at Pittsfield Middle High School, please contact amollica@pittsfieldnhschools.org
Online educational offerings are available for all students who want to:
Earn college credit (eStart), students can earn college credit at reduced cost to families
Enrich knowledge and skills
Acquire new knowledge
Meet high school graduation requirements
Prepare for post secondary education
Recover high school credits
Why Online Learning?
Achieve successful academic results
Advances learning (AP, Pre-AP,CP, Honors, NCAA, gifted & talented)
College preparatory classes
College courses
Enhance career pathways
Expand course offerings
Expand student learning with minimal cost
Experience and learn new technologies and software applications
Alternatives when course scheduling conflicts arise
Help students graduate on time
Improve chances for college scholarships