Exhibition Night

Exhibition Night is an opportunity for students to showcase their work and share their learning experiences with family, friends, and community members. PMHS will have an alternative schedule. Students will arrive at 12:00 p.m. and be dismissed at 7:00 p.m. A bag lunch will be available for students at arrival, and we will have an early dinner before we open the building for the community to come and see the student work. PES will have a typical school day and students will come back to present their work at 5:00 p.m.

Families, a reminder that we are asking that visitors go to as many classrooms as possible because our students are SO excited for an authentic audience! Even if you pop in and just ask one student in each classroom a question, that would be appreciated!
PMHS- your schedule for the 12-7 day can be found here (https://goo.gl/VYFyq8)