School Updates

We are off to an exciting start at Pittsfield Middle High School, but it hasn’t been without challenges. We started the school year with staff shortages in the guidance department, special education, and regular education. Since the start of this week, we are now fully staffed with special education and regular education teachers. Below is an introduction to our new teachers and specialists. Our directory information on the school website is up to date if you need to contact any of our new or returning staff members.

  • Anne Korzyniowski, 9/10 English Teacher
  • Amy Guimond, 9/10 Social Studies Teacher
  • Heidi Hoffman, 9/10 Special Education Teacher
  • Martha Carnes, 11/12 Science Teacher
  • Laurilee Hurley, 11/12 Special Education Teacher
  • Louisa Meehan, MS/HS Art Teacher
  • Wayne Fraser, Alternative Learning Program Coordinator
  • William Carr, Information Technology Manager

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 at Pittsfield Middle High School last week, we shifted to the yellow status and required the use of face coverings indoors. Three additional PMHS students have tested positive for COVID-19 this week and several others have either stayed home or been sent home with symptoms. For those awaiting a negative test to return to school and those in self-quarantine due to a positive test or being identified as a household contact, our teachers are working with those students and families to provide coursework through Google Classroom and/or providing hard copies of assignments and resources by request. Absenteeism due to symptoms or self-quarantine will not be counted against students.

Additionally, we have limited large gatherings and we will not be holding school assemblies until further notice. Students are eating lunch in cohorts to limit the number of students in the cafeteria at one time. Students also have the option to be outdoors during lunch. We are continuing to hold class meetings but we have moved some class meeting locations to alternative locations to maximize physical distancing.

We appreciate everyone’s patience as we work through these challenging circumstances. Please reach out to any of our staff members with any questions or concerns and we continue to do our best to support you.