After School Help

After School Help Students are always encouraged to come see me after school for any additional help and review of science concepts.  Just be sure to ask beforehand in case I have any meetings to attend. There is no shame… Read More


Advisory-  Be looking for student lead conference post cards coming home soon.  They will have dates and times for scheduling conferences with your students.… Read More


8th grade art students recently created a 7 foot drawing of Zeus for the Middle school Greek and Roman Festival. Each art student was responsible  for drawing a segment of the picture in creating this large work of art.… Read More

Artist in Residence 2011

Artist in Residence 2011 Pittsfield Middle High School has received a grant through New Hampshire Charitable Foundation and Globe Manufacturing of Pittsfield, New Hampshire to support an artist residency this spring. Potter Kit Cornell of Exeter, New Hampshire will spend… Read More

Art News February 2011

Trip to Paris in April 2012 As you might have heard, art and world language students are planning a trip to Paris next spring 2012! This is an exciting opportunity to travel abroad during your high school years. Organizational meetings… Read More