Academic Supports and Pittsfield Google Accounts for Students

January 14, 2013

Dear Pittsfield PMHS Families:

PMHS Academic Supports & Pittsfield Google Accounts for Students
We have implemented a number of ways to support our students who need extra time and help in completing their assignments to demonstrate that they are meeting expectations for each of their course competencies. The goal of these supports outside of normal class time is to help every student to be successful in all their courses at PMHS. The following is a list of those supports:

  • The library is open every morning from 7:00 – 7:30 am and staffed so students can have access to the computers, library resources and to get help with their assignments.
  • Most teachers are available most afternoons after school to help their students. Students should check with their teachers to schedule time for help.
  • The library is open Monday through Thursday afternoons from 2:55 – 3:50 pm and is staffed with our reading and writing specialist to provide help for any student.
  • Our math interventionist is available in room 112 Monday through Thursday afternoons from 2:55 – 3:50 pm to provide math help for any student.
  • The computer lab in 212 is open during Late Start Wednesdays from 8:00 – 9:30 am and staffed to provide help for any student.
  • The Writing Center, located in the library and staffed with knowledgeable student tutors, is a great resource for students who need support at any stage of the writing process. Students may drop by the Writing Center (which is staffed during most periods of the day), or drop by to request an appointment with a tutor. The Writing Center will also be working with student tutors to make staff available during LSW.

On January 22nd and 23rd we will be running a special schedule to accommodate Extended Learning Time Days. Students will be meeting with their advisors to review their academic progress so far this year in both their year long and half year classes. Advisors will be scheduling students to meet with their teachers for classes that they need additional support, have summative assessments to retake or to create competency recovery plans. There will be seven extended learning periods over these two days. Wednesday, January 23 will be a traditional Late Start Wednesday. Please contact your student’s advisor if you would like additional information on our Extended Learning Time days.

Starting Wednesday, February 6 those students who are not academically eligible to participate in extra- and co-curricular activities (identified in PowerSchool on student pages) will be required to come to school on Wednesday mornings at the normal time, 7:57 am, to receive help in those subjects that they are not being successful in.

Students who are not academically eligible to participate in extra- and co-curricular activities are those students who do not have a 2.5 competency score average in four or more courses. Currently academic eligibility is determined at the end of each quarter for the following quarter.

Attendance on Wednesday morning during Late Start Wednesday will no longer be optional for those who are not maintaining a 2.5 average of course competencies in at least four academic courses. We believe that providing the extra time and support on Wednesday mornings to those students who are not being successful is essential to supporting them so that they can be successful.

Attendance will be taken in room 212 for all high school students who are not eligible for co-curricular activities. A report will be run each Thursday afternoon to determine who is required to report to school at the normal time the following Wednesday morning. Students will be informed by their advisor during advisory if they are required to attend each Wednesday morning. Once students reach and maintain a 2.5 average of course competencies in four or more of their academic classes their attendance during Late Start Wednesday will once again be optional.

Google Accounts for Students –  a permission slip is being mailed home that will allow us to create a Google account for your student here at school. This account will allow your student to have direct communication with their teachers when not in class as well as allow them to submit their work electronically, along with many other benefits that your student and their teachers can share with you. If you agree with your student having a school Google account please sign and return the lower portion of the permission slip to your student’s advisor.

We want all of our students to be successful and will continue to develop ways to support them in their studies. Please be sure to contact your student’s teacher, their advisor, or me at 435-6701 or at if you have any questions or would like more information.


Robert E. Bickford, Principal
