Student Services Overview

Respect | Responsibility | Safety


SPECIAL EDUCATION – See Special Education Overview and Programs


A registered school nurse is available for issues related to the health and physical well-being of students. The nurse is responsible for the day-to-day first aid and provision of routine health services. Also, annual hearing and vision screenings are conducted. Up-to-date medical records are maintained.


The guidance counselor is responsible for assisting staff in developing and maintaining an atmosphere of respect for self, others, and school property. Individual and small-group therapy, conflict resolution, peer mediation, and classroom instruction on specific topics are services provided.


Parents who intend to educate their students at home work cooperatively with the Student Service Office to ensure that NH Rules for Home Education are followed. A copy of the NH Rules for Home Education are available in the Office of Student Services.


The District is required to evaluate and, when indicated, provide services for children who speak languages other than English. A home language survey is completed by each family as students are registered for school to determine the need for further evaluation and the possibility of subsequent services.


The approach to classroom management that is taken by staff at the Pittsfield Elementary School involved the systematic teaching of discipline. According to the author, Ruth Charney, there are two basic goals for this approach: (1) creation of self-control and (2) creation of community. The teaching that is done in the area of discipline is directly related to the meeting of these two important goals. A team including the Principal, Director of Student Services, Guidance Counselor and staff from the Student Support Center (SSC) assist staff with individuals’ creation of self-control and the school’s creation of community.


Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 states that “no otherwise qualified individual with handicaps in the United States shall, solely by reason of her or his handicap, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program…” The Pittsfield Elementary School, when appropriate ensures that services are delivered to any student who has a physical or mental impairment, which substantially limits one or more of such person’s major life activities.