Pittsfield Project HOME Breaks Ground at PES


On Thursday, June 2, Pittsfield Project HOME broke ground outside of the Kindergarten area at the elementary school with the help of Mr. George Szelest and some hard working six graders. Our first project is to create a butterfly and hummingbird garden that will serve as a study area for the Kindergarten classes. The Kindergarteners will be helping with the planting before the end of the school year. Pittsfield Project HOME is a schoolyard habitat improvement initiative that aims to develop our schoolyard so it is attractive to wildlife and people as well as creating an outdoor classroom for our students. A group of teachers, parents, and community members along with Marilyn Wyzga, of the NH Department of Fish and Game, has been meeting monthly since December to develop a master plan for the schoolyard. In order to make the projects more relevant to the educational process, the teachers share their students’ ideas and their plans for lessons with the team.