Occupational Therapy Homepage

Occupational Therapy

The goal of occupational therapy is to help a person be independently successful in his/her meaningful and purposeful daily activities. OT services are approached differently for every individual.  The method of intervention used to reach the individual’s goal(s) is determined by the occupational therapist’s clinical judgment.
Different methods of OT intervention:

-Establish/restore skills
– Compensation strategies/adaptations of the activity or environment
– Prevention (ie. activities done on a routine basis to avoid inability to function)
– Promoting health and wellness (ie. self management strategies)

Occupational Therapy in the school

The function of occupational therapy in a school is to help children who are struggling within the classroom/school environment be more successful in their “jobs” which are playing and being students.
OT is a related service to special education.  When a student is referred and if it is determined he/she qualifies for special education services, it is also determined whether he/she will receive occupational therapy services. With the recommendation of the occupational therapist, if the team determines sensory, motor, and/or perceptual development is affecting the student’s ability to be successful with classroom tasks, he/she will begin receiving OT services once his/her individual education program (IEP) is written. If you have questions about  special education referrals, please contact the director of student services, Tobi Chassie, (tchassie@ pittsfield.k12.nh.us.)
One reason for a student’s discharge from OT services is that sensory, motor and/or perceptual development are no longer affecting his/her ability to successfully function in the school and classroom environments. Another reason for discharge from OT services is the student’s skills and independence has progressed as far as expected through OT intervention. Eligibility for discharge is determined by the occupational therapist’s clinical observations or an OT evaluation.  The decision to discharge is then made by the occupational therapist and the whole team working with the student, including the parent(s).