Math Resource Websites

What does Mathematics instruction look like at Pittsfield Elementary?

Last year, PES teachers spent time ensuring that all standards are met at each grade level. They have aligned the curriculum so that the same concepts are taught in all classes at a grade level, and that skills are built on in the following grade levels. They also have highlighted the key focal points for learning. Those can be found here.

Teachers group topics together, plan how they will assess those topics and then they plan the daily lessons. Planning backwards like this makes sure the goal of the unit is kept in mind during all of the instruction. Our base curriculum is Everyday Mathematics. When there is need, teachers will pull from other resources to help students meet the instructional goals of the unit.


Below you will find a collection of resources parents have found helpful in the past. This will be updated this year, so please email any resources you love to dharvey at pittsfieldnhschools dot org.



Need help with understanding Everyday Math?

This site is from the creators of Everyday Math. It has animated resources that will demonstrate the some of the different methods that students can use to solve computation problems. Students will be asked to try and practice methods shown in class, but they can use whatever is efficient and accurate for them.


This is another site from the creators of Everyday Math. This site has four great aspects. You can access the glossaries, answers to frequently asked questions and all the family letters that are sent home with each unit. (Please keep in mind we use the third edition.) It also has materials that will help you help your child with Homelink and Study Link problems.



Still have questions? Email Dharvey at

Musical Fractions


Looking for fact practice?

THE Place for Educational Games. This site has time, money, addition, subtraction, division, multiplication. You can set up a game and play with your friends.

This is an interactive site to practice math facts against the clock.


This site has math and logic challenges for families to try together.



This is the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) website. If you click on the activities section, it will bring you to a variety of games and activities that can be searched by grade level.



Function Robot – This site is an interactive version of the “what’s my rule?” machines we see in Everyday Math. This activity can build number sense and encourage basic skills.





This site allows the user to pick a skill to focus on. There is a chance to read about the skill and then if you scroll down there is a place to practice the skill.

This site has a few interactive math skills that focus on addition and subtraction concepts.