PACE & Smarter Balanced Update

For the first time, NH is providing accountability data for those schools and districts who are participating in Performance Assessment of Competency Education (PACE), integrated into the state-level overall accountability information. Commissioner Barry commented, “The results of NH’s first-in-the-nation innovative assessment and accountability pilot demonstrates that NH educators can fully participate in and manage their accountability and assessment system with state level support and review. Rigorous comparability studies completed by the National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment in Dover, NH, show that assessment results produced by NH educators are as rigorous in evaluating student performance as state or national assessments.” In addition, for the first time, NH grade 11 students participated in the College Board’s School Day SAT as a part of the statewide assessment program. The move to SAT was part of the state’s effort to reduce testing burden and give all grade 11 students the opportunity to participate in a college-entrance exam. The feedback from students, parents and educators has been overwhelming positive.