Energy Conservation

Dr Freeman asked that I redistribute the energy memo from last season.  All guidelines still apply.  Below is the memo.  Remember, if you have a question or concern about a colleague’s compliance with the guidelines, please address the concern with that person directly.  If nothing changes or you are uncomfortable with addressing the concern directly, please seek support through appropriate channels.

TO: All School District Staff Members

FROM: John

SUBJECT: Energy Conservation

DATE: October 14, 2008

Similar to what most of us our experiencing at home, our school district’s budget is being severely challenged by increasing in energy costs. In fact, it is doubtful that the district’s allocation of $300,000+ for energy costs will not adequately fund our needs.

In response to this difficult situation, in the interest of conserving natural resources, and to ensure that our financial resources are focused on teaching and learning, the following measures are being implemented at this time.


1. Monitors – Monitors are to be turned off when not in immediate use and over night.

2. Newer Computers – Newer computers (less than 7 years old) are to be set at sleep mode when not in immediate use and over night.

3. Older Computers – Older computers (more than 7 years old) are to be turned off over night.

4. Other Electronic Equipment – Other equipment is to be turned off at the over night.

5. Printers – Printers are to be turned off when not to be used for an extended period during the day and over night.

Heating and Cooling.

1. Air Conditioning – Thermostats are to be set and maintained at 78°.

2. Blinds and Shades – Where they exist, blinds and shades are to be closed over night.

3. Classrooms – Thermostats are to be set and maintained at 67°;

4. Furnace and Vent Filters – Furnace and vent filters are to be inspected regularly and replaced quarterly.

5. Gyms, Cafeterias, Kitchens, Restrooms, Auditoriums – Thermostats are to be set and maintained at 65°.

6. Hallways – Thermostats are to be set and maintained at 62°.

7. Nights and Weekends – Timed thermostats are to be set and maintained at 55° for nights and weekends.


1. Cleaning and Night Lighting – Lights turned on only in immediate areas being cleaned or used by staff.

2. Day Lighting – Monitor need for evening lighting during the school day (for example, adequate lighting may be provided through windows and skylights in some locations).

3. Natural Lighting – Natural lighting is to be used in classrooms and offices when and where practical.

4. Planning Time / Meeting Time – Minimal lighting or natural lighting is to be used during planning time / meeting times when students are not present for instruction in classrooms, offices, and other locations.

5. Vacant Locations – Classroom and office lighting is to be turned off when not in use for more than one minute; use of a student “energy manager” to monitor lighting use is encouraged.

Personal Electric Appliances.

1. Personal Electrical Appliances – Personal electrical appliances (coffee makers, microwave ovens, refrigerators) are to be removed from classrooms and work spaces by November 3.


1. Vending Machines – Power to vending machines is to be turned off over night.

2. Ventilation Units – Ventilation units are to be kept open and clear of books, supplies, equipment, etc.

Further, the Jordan Institute ( will be visiting our schools to conduct an energy audit. Additional measures may be taken following this important visit or as become advisable.

Should you have a suggestion regarding energy conservation, I encourage you to share your suggestion with me during a visit to your school or via e-mail (

I recognize that these measures represent a significant change to our way of life in our schools. However, I can not underestimate the importance of the three goal areas outlined above – response to increasing energy costs, resource conservation, and maximum dedication of financial resources to teaching and learning. Your support of this important initiative will be greatly appreciated.

Dr Freeman asked that I redistribute the energy memo from last season.  All guidelines still apply.  Below is the memo.  Remember, if you have a question or concern about a colleague’s compliance with the guidelines, please address the concern with that person directly.  If nothing changes or you are uncomfortable with addressing the concern directly, please seek support through appropriate channels.