About me

Hi! My name is Caitlin Potter.  I have been in the Pittsfield School District for three years as the occupational therapist registered/licensed (OTR/L) and am actively involved with the PBIS Target Team at PES.  My Bachelor of Science and Master… Read More

Home activities

Activities to help boost child’s skills:   Improving fine motor/motor planning skills Bear walks Crab walks Hop on one foot Hopscotch Twister Cutting Drawing/Painting/Writing at an easel Playdoh Using tweezers to pick up small items (beads, cereal, etc.) Playing card games… Read More

More info

The central nervous system develops from the bottom up with sensory systems and motor/perceptual development being the foundation for higher level language skills, cognition, and academic skills: Read More

Occupational Therapy Homepage

Occupational Therapy The goal of occupational therapy is to help a person be independently successful in his/her meaningful and purposeful daily activities. OT services are approached differently for every individual.  The method of intervention used to reach the individual’s goal(s)… Read More