Fall Assessment Information

The New Hampshire Department of Education and Governor Sununu have ordered that every student is assessed this fall. The results provide teachers with solid guidelines for instruction. Students in pre-school, kindergarten, and high school will be assessed by classroom assessments. Students K-8 will complete the NWEA MAP assessment.

Our teachers like this assessment because it is adaptive. The assessment gets easier or harder based on how students are doing with the questions. We will administer these assessments starting the week of September 21 and they will continue into early October. If you are a 100% remote learner, please check this website: https://check.nwea.org/ and be sure your device is ready. If not, email psd-support@sau51.org/pes.

Do you want to know what the test looks like? You can check out https://studentresources.nwea.org/index.html Or go to practice.mapnwea.org; Username = grow; Password = grow. You will need to allow pop ups for that website.

Additionally, the state is requiring all students grades 4-8 to take the New Hampshire State Assessment Interim Assessment for the previous school year. This assessment will take place in mid-October.