Smarter Balanced Testing

New Hampshire children have taken the annual NECAP – the New England Common Assessment Program – assessment each fall for years. The Smarter Balanced Assessment replaces the NECAP.  State and federal law require all schools to give an annual assessment to students in grades 3-8 and once in high school. Starting this year, New Hampshire is using Smarter Balanced for that required annual assessment. The testing schedule will be posted on the website. PES students grades 3-6 will start March 30th and be done before April break. There are two tests for math and two tests for English Language Arts. Students will only take one test per day, so it will be spread out over four days. This is the first time this test will be given and it will be a learning experience. They expectations for this assessment are different, and teachers have been working to introduce students to the test format so that it is not overwhelming. Students will have breaks during the assessment. At this time we don’t know when the results will be available, but we will update you when we know. See the testing schedule here!