Project HOME Moving Forward into Spring

Pittsfield Project HOME is a schoolyard habitat improvement initiative that aims to develop our schoolyard so it is attractive to wildlife and people, creating an outdoor classroom for our students. A group of teachers, parents, and community members has been meeting monthly with Marilyn Wyzga, of the NH Department of Fish and Game, to develop a master plan for the schoolyard. Teachers share their students’ ideas and their plans for lessons. Our parent group includes members of the PTO, the School Board, two landscapers, and an arborist.

At the last Project HOME meeting in March the group developed three long-term goals:

• Pittsfield Elementary School will create and enhance the schoolyard to encourage students to get outside and to learn about and appreciate their environment in ways that supports the curriculum throughout the year.

• Pittsfield Elementary School will use its schoolyard to teach the curriculum – from art to math to reading to science.

• Our school will invite the Pittsfield community to use and enjoy our schoolyard as a place to relax and recreate.