Ms. Blevens

Welcome to March!

After a much needed break students came back to school and amazed me with the work on their Rube Goldberg machines. Everyone showed a great deal of care in researching,planning, hypothesizing, experimenting, and reporting on their outrageous machines! Some featured elements include:

A lift launch of the marble raised by a string attached to a lever

A marble catapulted into a funnel aimed with accuracy and precision by clay of a particular mass, dropped from exactly 17 inches

A ramp supported by a trio of tripods with stable bases and a reasonably secure center of gravity

The potential energy of a powerful spring launch which was super kinetic!

A marble whose exact roll around curves was managed by counterweights and stopped by magnetic attraction

A precise and powerful ball bearing shot which rang a bell whose sound energy would normally be  muffled by carpet

A marble launched on a buoyant aluminum boat powered by the wind energy from a fan

A  marble buoyed downstream on a waterfall, which rattled an aluminum tunnel which rang the bell twice

A marble which rang a bell and was stopped in its track by its mass piercing the surface tension of a pool of water and sinking

A marble whose direction was beautifully controlled by guide rails and friction, which rang a hand made plastic bell

A perfect strike which knocked bowling pins off of their center, and rang the bell

And SO ON!!!!! Great job everyone!!!!!!!!!!