Teens and Sleep

Olympic gold medalist and former professional boxing champion George Foreman is credited as saying “I think sleeping was my problem in school. If school had started at four in the afternoon, I’d be a college graduate today.” It’s likely that Read more

Spring Conferences

The window for parent-teacher and student-led conferences begins on Monday, April 9, and runs through Friday, April 19. To schedule a conference, please contact your child’s classroom teacher or adviser. On Friday, April 19, there is no school for conferences. Read more

School District Budget Voting

Pittsfield voters are strongly encouraged to join the deliberative session of the annual school district meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 8, at the Pittsfield Elementary School for explanation, discussion, debate, and amendments to the proposed operating budget and Read more

School District Meeting Calendar

As a result of last year’s vote, the Pittsfield School District will be conducting this year’s annual meeting under the rules of the Official Ballot Law, commonly called SB2. As a result, the annual meeting will take a different form Read more