School Funding

Our New Hampshire Senate Finance Committee is finalizing their work on the state’s budget for the upcoming two years.  This Committee will then make recommendations to the full Senate for action. One issue that has been raised many times in Read more

School Funding Hearing

On Monday, March 18, the New Hampshire House Finance Committee conducted a hearing on the governor’s proposed budget for the next biennium.  The hearing was held in Representatives Hall in our State Capitol, and many individuals provided testimony to encourage Read more

Understanding Bullying

Pittsfield School Board Policy JICK defines bullying consistently with state law as follows: Bullying is hereby defined as a single significant incident or a pattern of incidents involving a written, verbal, or electronic communication, or a physical act or gesture, or Read more

Post-Secondary Certificates?

When talking about a student’s next-steps after high school, the conversations often starts with talk of college.  For some students, the talk stops there.  For a variety of reasons, many students are not interested in pursuing a two- or four-year Read more

National Red Ribbon Week

According to national statistics, children whose parents talk with them regularly about drug use are 42% less likely to use drugs than those whose parents don’t talk with them about drug use.  However, only about 25% of teens report having Read more


When our high school students completed our most recent Youth Risk Behavior Survey in the early spring of 2017, 41.1% said YES to the question Have you ever used an electronic vapor product? In the same survey, 27.2% of our Read more

What’s New?

Well, the new school year, new students, new families, new staff, new program offerings: lots of new things in our Pittsfield schools this year.  Here’s my Top 12 answers to the question What’s new in the schools this year: New Read more